Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Dinner made up

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Hi all, today was one of those days. The girls missed there nap and pretty much refused to eat all day so when dinner came around I was in no mood to make gourmet meal. When going into the pantry to see what to make I realize that it is time to go shopping for more food...hmmm... what to make I came up with a simple and fast dish. I know I know when you read it you will probably comment on how you have had this or that it is YOU who claims ownership to this dish. Alas I could care less who created it first all I know is that I made it tonight.

1 Box of macaroni

4 Cloves garlic

3-4 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

3 plum tomatoes

1 cup peas

1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

1 teaspoon of sugar

S&P to taste

I started by cooking the macaroni in salted water. Next I diced the garlic and tomatoes, then I sautéed the garlic over medium heat when the garlic was tasty and delicious. Next I added in the tomatoes and sugar (note the sugar is there to help bring out extra flavors in the tomatoes.) With the macaroni finished i drained it and added it to the pan along with my frozen peas. The outcome was pretty successful, though I had to remind my oldest that yes she did indeed like tomatoes. Unfortunately her initial disdain of them caused my 2yr old to decide not to eat anymore of her tomatoes. I finished the meal of with some store bought garlic bread, a good meal for a long day.

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